Bram ama Melissa emang nggak ade matinye.... Pertama kali rasanya semangat banget, feel so right for not betraying HRFM after Farhan and Indy`s dismissal. Pokoknya Drive N` Jive itu jiwanya Jakarta banget deh (sape gue? sepa` amat, tong!!!!), just like GMHR long long time ago. BraMelissa are just so MFEO, sangat nyambung. Palagi, Melissa's english! Terribly makes me envious. Gosh... where the hell did she get that impeccable accent, huh? Bram juga lucu. Jadi saya sangat menganjurkan anda2 yang happen to read this blog, to tune in to their show, Drive N` Jive, every Monday to Friday, 4-8 pm WIB, only at 87.6 Hard Rock FM, the best radio station ever (oops, a bit much!).
Tadi siang, I made quite an enormous achievement. I successfully coerced my brain to recall 7 nama artis yang masuk nominasi BINTANG LUX pas jaman gue masih SMA...emangg...gue tau, NGGAK PENTING BANGET! But hey, let me make my excuse. I was born to preoccupy my mind with this kinda stuff, so I just can't help doing this. Anyway, kenapa gue anggep ini sebuah pencapaian yang luar biasa, karena it did take me a loooong time to attain the completion of this noble task. Let me see, kayaknya gue udah berusaha buat nginget2 nama mereka setahunan lebih. Pokoknya nih gue tulis nama2 mereka sebelum gue lupa Wanda Hamidah, Dian Nitami, Cornelia Agatha, Cut Keke, Vonny Cornelia, Febby Febiola, Bella Saphira (obviously not written based on alphabetical order). Wuahh, what a relief. Again, now I remorsed for wasting my time. Instead of working on my poor Physical Chemistry, I deliberately engaged myself to this one. Hikss... People just regret...
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