bilik BINTANG, yang sedang dan akan terus kejar kejora, terangi semesta
bilik BINTANG, tempat bermimpi, berkeluh, bercermin, bercerita
bilik BINTANG, untuk DUNIA...

Saturday, February 07, 2004

I'm actually trying hard to shun the act of stereotyping, but I just can't help to keep my eyes away from this Bruyere's statement. Mmm.....recently, there happened several things which "force" me to sympathize with his quote.

un homme est plus fidèle au secret d'autrui qu'au sien propre
une femme au contraire garde mieux son secret que celui d'autrui

Jean de la Bruyere (1645-1696)

"A man is more faithful and true to another person's secret than his own; a woman, on the contrary, keeps her own secret better than another person's."


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