bilik BINTANG, yang sedang dan akan terus kejar kejora, terangi semesta
bilik BINTANG, tempat bermimpi, berkeluh, bercermin, bercerita
bilik BINTANG, untuk DUNIA...

Sunday, November 09, 2003

pagi, pagi, pagiiiiiii........ Jarang-jarang baito dapet shift pagi. Ternyata enak juga bangun pagi. Padahal tadi malem lagi2 cuma tidur dua jam. It slowly downed upon me that the insomnia thing haunting me lately is just about my life rhythm which still hasn't got back to the right track yet. Tadi malem gue cuma bisa tidur dua jam, karena kemaren malem tidur banyak, terus pagi ini harus ke luar kamar pagi2. Tapi sekarang gue nggak ngantuk kok!! Apa belom ya?

Anyway, tadi malem yang jadi my bedtime story adalah the first 5 pages pf chapter 6-nya buku THE CELL. Not bad, quite enjoyable actually (although "enjoyable" is not the right word....just can't come up with the perfect one). Well surely it's a good thing, cause in this semester I am in charge of the exam-preparation team for Cell and Molecular Biology class. Hope this extraordinary being of myself will last through the semester.

Ya udah, gotta back to my novel... I mean work.....


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