bilik BINTANG, yang sedang dan akan terus kejar kejora, terangi semesta
bilik BINTANG, tempat bermimpi, berkeluh, bercermin, bercerita
bilik BINTANG, untuk DUNIA...

Sunday, November 30, 2003

listen to my heartbeat now, 好きなwords 歌いながら smilin`
listen to my heartbeat now, もう 誰にも can`t be stopped!

Friday, November 28, 2003

Hey hey teman, mari bernostalgia!! Dulu waktu SD, pernah keranjingan maen kalkulator nggak? Bukan..bukan...bukan yang maen2 kalkulator pas ngerjain tambah-tambahan pelajaran matematik (karena malesh ngitung), tapi yang bikin ANGKA BISA BICARA. Dulu kalo nemuin trik yang baru, langsung gelar pameran... pokoknya bukan anak 90-an deh kalo nggak pernah maen ginian (lembay abiss...).

Di bawah ini, ada beberapa contoh (pasti masih banyak yang laen, tapi udah nggak tahu lagi) gimana cara memakai kalkulator yang benar. Oh ya, tolong pake kalkulator yang paling primitif, soalnya paling asyik kalo maen pake itu....

Level 1, Anak Baik
Ada 25 orang pencuri (pencet 25), dikejar oleh 35 orang polisi (pencet 35). Udah dikejar 3,5 jam (pencet 3.5), yang ketangkep cuma 2 orang (kali 2). Yang laen ke mana (pencet sama dengan, balik kalkulatornya and see what happened)?

Level 2, Anak Bandel
Ada 2 orang ibu-ibu (pencet 2), berumur 40 tahun (pencet 40). Dua-duanya lahir pada bulan Agustus (pencet 8) tahun 69 (pencet 69). Mereka 2 jam di MATAHARI (kali dua) ngapain (pencet sama dengan, balik kalkulator)?

Level 3, Anak Ternoda
Di zaman cerita 1001 malam (pencet 1001), di kamar 06 (pencet 06), terjadi perbuatan negatif (pencet tanda kurang). Pada gadis berumur 17 tahun (pencet 17), yang dilakukan oleh pria berumur 39 dan 41 tahun (pencet 3941). Si gadis berkata (waktunya balik kalkulator). Terus, karena nggak dibayar, si gadis berkata lagi (pencet sama dengan, pastikan masih dibalik kalkulatornya)

Level 4, Anak Haram (kejam bangettt)
Ada 2 orang wanita (pencet 2), pergi ke hotel naek ke lantai 22 (pencet 22), terus mereka masuk ke kamar nomor 444 (pencet 444). Apa yang terjadi 12 jam (bagi 12) kemudian..(pencet sama dengan dan balik)?

That`s all I have. Thanks to Hady for trick #1 and #2. And if you guys still have tricks which haven`t been up there, please tell me, I`d love to hear that. Gila...dulu gue pas SD maen ginian.....

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Though it's a bit late, Happy Idul Firti. And from the bottom of my heart, please forgive all my past mistakes.

Anyway.... there will be some interesting stuffs uploaded here soon... So...keep check out the blog!

Monday, November 24, 2003

pembasuh kering perigi hati

penggema bilik hampa sukma

genggam sambut jemari beku

wangi lenyapkan senyap dunia

di sini

Thursday, November 20, 2003



僕は車のウーハーを (飛び出すハイウェイ)
つけて遠くフューチャー鳴らす (久しぶりだぜ)
何かでっかい事してやろう きっと



ハイウェイ - くるり

I'm having an awfully irritating sore throat.... And the thing gets even worse, coz my nose has been stuffed up since this morning. Plus, I only slept like 2 hours last night. Gosh.... I feel like lying on the bed, under the blanket all day long.

And the school things get much more annoying lately. Mid-semester exams, homeworks..... Uwahhh... I wish escaping could solve all the problems. Alas, that's not the way things work.

This life ain't a sequence of happiness. It's an endless hurdle race. There could be more than one hurdle at once. Then sometimes, you find the next hurdle standing up there vigorously, right after you leaped over one. And you just can't stop running....

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

And the seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into months.... Ramadhan is waning. Imminently to go away and leave us in pining for reunion, for another 224 days. Joy and bless to all of you who by far made it, consistently striving to seize mercy and benediction of the Almighty. May those failed to make hay while the sun shines conceive the compunction, then hasten to grasp the remaining chances.....(buat kamu, Bintang!)

By the way, beberapa hari lalu sempet baca kalo di Indonesia ada orang-orang yang ribut, bilang kalau kiamat akan datang sebentar lagi karena tahun ini, terjadi gerhana bulan dan gerhana matahari dalam satu bulan Ramadhan, which is claimed to be a very strange phenomenon, the first since the birth of the universe. Tapi beberapa ahli astronomi membantah, bilang kalo itu a very common thing. Terus baca lagi, tentang orang2 yang mengaku sebagai Imam Mahdi. Emang nggak ada berentinya. Dulu sempet ngeboom banget pas jamannya Lia Aminuddin, tapi sekarang orang2 kayaknya nggak ngasih perhatian yang gede lagi. Tapi kasus gereja apa gitu... yang di Bandung itu sempet hot juga sih. Anyway, don't wanna go far with this day of Resurrection thing... too heavy. Cuma keinget, gue kapan ya, ngeliat gerhana terakhir? Yang masih terekam dengan jelas di kepala sih, waktu TK ada gerhana, terus ngeliat sok2an pake sunglasses (aduh.. naif banget sih), terus kayaknya bapak2 pada shalat kauf (apa khauf ya?). それっきりでした。Abis itu nggak ada lagi.

Looks like I don't have that special bound to the heavenly bodies and astronomical superstition. Selain nggak pernah lagi ngeliat gerhana, gue juga ngerasa belom pernah witnessing a meteor shower. Waktu di Jepang pernah heboh dengan meteor shower sekitar dua tahun lalu, said to be amazingly breathtaking, gue juga nggak ngeliat, padahal bangun pas malam itu. Seeing a comet has also been my dream since child up to now. Juga ketidakberhasilan melihat Mars pake teleskop waktu pergi bareng Mori-chan ke planetarium, dihalangin awan-gemawan dan orang2 yang di luar dugaan banyak banget... a bittersweet memory.

Kenapa ya? Padahal, I was named after a heavenly body, BINTANG! Emang nggak boleh kali ya, bintang ngeliat bintang jatuh... masak jeruk makan jeruk!

Monday, November 17, 2003

DOMINO will perform at 2003 La Voce's Winter Live. With other 7 bands, dominoplan successfully passed the audition. We're going to perform Fly Me to The Moon (again....), Tangerine, and our new composition, It Don't Mean a Thing. This year's live is apt to be soo amusing, hence it's utterly highly recommended. So, wait for the further information here.......

Sunday, November 16, 2003

ratih dewi... citra khayalku prana
dalam diriku yang haus akan asmara
mmm... nikmatnya bercinta

andika dewa...sirna duli sang smara
merasuk sukma, menyita heningnya cipta
hoo... resahku jadinya

prahara nestapa seakan tak kuasa
membendung asmara insan sedang bercinta
gelora asmara di samudera cinta
melenakan daku dibuai cinta

SMARADHANA - Guruh Soekarno Putra

Bukan karena lagi jatuh cinta nulis syair lagu ini. Simply because the magic of this song which successfully get me spellbinded and stunned.

I heard this song for the first time when I was in high school. Just once, but left an impact, strong enough making me yearn to know it more. Refined melody and lyrics, distinct greatly from sleazy love songs hitting at that time. And above all, the title. SMARADHANA, which is soo familiar, yet I didn't know what it actually means.

Dan beberapa hari lalu, menurut sumber yang kurasa sangat eminent di bidang ini, smaradhana itu adalah salah satu jenis macapat, yang isinya.... sudah tentu tentang cinta. Guruh emang pinter banget menggali kata-kata eksotis untuk lirik, meniupkan sihir ke dalam lagu. Wish someday, bisa nulis sesuatu yang eksotis dan dangdut kayak gini....

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

fall in love 熱く口付けるたびに

~ 接吻 ~ by Original Love

Akhirnya CD The Best of Original Love ada di tangan juga, walaupun bukan yang ini yang gue cari, tapi lumayan lah, soalnya TSUTAYA lagi ada 半額キャンペン. Bener2 lumayan, jadi sekalian minjem DVD Moulin Rouge ama Lock, Stock, and Four Stolen Hooves (kalo udah lupa ama Lock, Stock, adn Two Smoking Barrels, nggak papa nggak ya?).

Akhirnya ikutan milisnya DNJ, tapi gila...menuh2in inbox banget. Pokoknya kalo pulang dari kampus terus ngecek email, penuh ajaaa.... bahkan pernah ampe ada 45 pesan yang belom kebaca. Nggak banget... Padahal udah gue edit membership gue di yahoogroups biar nggak usah ngirim setiap imel ke alamat gue, tapi kok masih tetep nyampe ya? Jadi ganggu deh...

Udah ah, mo leye-leye ambil dengerin ORIGINAL LOVE.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Still struggling with the damned sleeping problem!!! Uwaahhh...a great news came in just now. DOMINO passed 3 songs, Tangerine, Fly Me to The Moon, and It Don't Mean a Thing, at the first stage audition for La Voce`s Winter Live. Don't know what to say... simply relieved to hear it. It was an extremely a nice thing for me, who was sooo awfully tired out today. Lotsa things to do, too little energy.....*sigh*

6 and a half hours of part time just ended with no single phone call. Instead, I had a really great time with Ivan and Pu-san, chatting, bullying each others, and playing games. We did laugh a lottt. Embarrassed to say, that I am still paid full for that. Not my fault anyway....*yeyyyy*

Went straight to SRIT after that. Rain started to pour shyly and it was slowly getting chilly. Also had a great time here... Met lotsa friends, made some new ones, and not to forget, ATE like crazy. Met dearest Muswie. It has been quite a while after our last encounter at Tongky's. No significant changes occurred, still the same old Muswie, simply adorable (hehehe). Also the unbreakable famous (notorious?) couple, Iman and Ihsan. No need to explain, the war of sarcasm began naturally since the very first second we saw each other...hehehe....But then, came the hardest part of the day. The part where I couldn't bear the striking drowsiness. I almost felt asleep when performing my salat. As the result, I took ablutions 3 times along the salat. And I just couldn`t persevere in listening to the preach afterwards. Wuaahhh...I am desperately in need of rest!!!! But, I am just too pumped-up to sleep now... Please, let me sleeeeeeeeppppp!!!

Sunday, November 09, 2003

pagi, pagi, pagiiiiiii........ Jarang-jarang baito dapet shift pagi. Ternyata enak juga bangun pagi. Padahal tadi malem lagi2 cuma tidur dua jam. It slowly downed upon me that the insomnia thing haunting me lately is just about my life rhythm which still hasn't got back to the right track yet. Tadi malem gue cuma bisa tidur dua jam, karena kemaren malem tidur banyak, terus pagi ini harus ke luar kamar pagi2. Tapi sekarang gue nggak ngantuk kok!! Apa belom ya?

Anyway, tadi malem yang jadi my bedtime story adalah the first 5 pages pf chapter 6-nya buku THE CELL. Not bad, quite enjoyable actually (although "enjoyable" is not the right word....just can't come up with the perfect one). Well surely it's a good thing, cause in this semester I am in charge of the exam-preparation team for Cell and Molecular Biology class. Hope this extraordinary being of myself will last through the semester.

Ya udah, gotta back to my novel... I mean work.....

Saturday, November 08, 2003

And here comes the weekend.... Chance to compensate my sleeping time which was dreadfully diminished by the damned vigilance this week. As a matter of fact, I did sleep like dying last night. And I feel very sorry to Deddy for not helping him to fry shrimp crackers (ihh... nggak rame banget ngebasa Inggris-in kerupuk udang..) for BUBAR PMIJ, as I promised him before.

Anyway, eventually DOMINO didn`t get the job Yasuyuki-san offered. Actually, we even didn`t get to the state where all of us agree to accept the offer. Don`t know why.... Maybe next time, if there is another chance... with much better condition of course. Tomorrow will be held the first stage audition for LA VOCE`s WINTER LIVE. Domino`s surely in critical condition this time. Maybe they will take TANGERINE and FLY ME into account, but personally I don`t feel like singing another FLY ME on La Voce`s stage, for the time being. Since I feel like we have sung it like thousands time... It will be much better if we can sing our new songs, but I`m like a hundred to one, that we won't have the privilege to perform them on the stage. Still need more time to perfect them. Gotta work hard DOMINOs!!!

Last night, I went to the Welcome Party for the sophomore held by the third year senior. It went like any other welcome party I've attended before, except for the 3rd year students' craziness. They're surely well-known by their extremely high tension, according what I've heard from Lecturers` speeches. However, have no problem with that anyway. Seems they`re very much enjoying it. Hope my badge will be doing just fun-tas-tic!!!

Friday, November 07, 2003

Punya cita-cita jadi Ketua RT? Gue sih nggak. Kalo misalnya ditawarin untuk terlibat dalam kepengurusan RT, ato nggak misalnya dalam rapat penentuan pengurus RT lah, gue bakal tunjuk tangan buat jadi Pembina Karang Taruna (tetep... pengen jadi berondong seumur hidup). Walaupun gue menyerahkan jabatan itu ama orang laen, tapi bukan berarti gue nerima sapa aja, tetepp milih2. Karena nggak setiap orang bisa jadi Pak RT (iyalahhh...).

Kalau misalnya RT tempat gue tinggal pas gede nanti nggak beda jauh suasananya ama RT 06 RW 05 tempat gue dibesarkan (I hope so, would be great if it's better), gue pengen Pak RT yang....

pertama, punya WIBAWA. Yang wibawanya sejuta deh pokoknya. Nggak perlu aura selebritis lah...cukup wibawa ketua RT. Kayak di RT rumah gue, walaupun telah terjadi beberapa kali suksesi ketua RT, tetep masih ada beberapa mantan ketua RT, yang gue pengen panggil Pak RT setiap ketemu. Berarti itu menandakan, bahwa udara di sekitar beliau-beliau itu laksana berucap "Panggil aku, Pak RT, wahai anakku...". Ini nggak dipunyain setiap orang. Tapi sebenernya, ini bukan alasan yang solid. Mungkin aja ini semua disebabkan oleh KEBIASAAN. Soalnya gue sampe sekarang belom pernah menjumpai orang yang belom pernah jadi ketua RT memancarkan aura seperti yang di atas. Jadi, ya sudahlah... nggak usah dibahas panjang2....ehm

kedua, berdarah jawa atau setidaknya memahami filsafat Jawa. Pertama2, sebelom menghujat gue SARA ato apalah, gue cuma mengingatkan kalo ini semua dibuat berdasarkan imajiku, yang lahir karena lingkungan kecilku yang banyak berisi wong jowo. Tapi, sekali lagi no hard feeling dengan suku2 lainnya, yang gue tahu, di budaya Jawa itu ada yang namanya tepa selira. Like Japanese, they tend not to express what they really feel to the surface. And in a way, this could be good to maintain harmony in the RT, although it's not perfectly right. Jadi misalnya Pak RT ini melihat sesuatu yang warga yang nggak beres, kalo dia seorang Jawa tulen yang genah, dia bakal melakukan pendekatan yang persuasif, jadi nggak memprovokasikan warga laen untuk menghujat dan menyiksa si tersangka. Tapi lagi, gue pengen matahin pendapat gue sendiri. Sebenernya ini semua tergantung ama sifat seorang manusia. Mau Jawa totok kek, kalo gahar, ya gahar aja... jadinya kayaknya syarat kedua pun kerasa ga pent....

ketiga, kalo bisa yang udah lama tinggal di situ. Ini kayaknya alesan yang bagus banget dan nggak bisa gue patahin. jadi apa RTnya kalo ketuanya nggak tahu keadaan RT yang dia pimpin. Tapi bisa aja, orang baru jadi RT, kalo dia sangat berambisi jadi ketua RT di lingkuangan barunya, terus dia orator ulung yang dengan mudah meyakinkan warganya, ato kalo nggak punya kemampuan hipnotis sehingga warga menyetujui penunjukannya jadi ketua RT di rapat RT. Hey, it's a crazy world we're living in!! Nothing's impossible. Dan lagi merasa syarat ketiga nggak begitu pppennn.....

Udah deh, kuputuskan untuk berenti mikirin syarat2 Pak RT ideal yang tangible, maksud gue bukan syarat2 yang abstrak banget, kayak bersih hatinya, adil, blablabla. All we have to do is, nilai kandidat Pak RT seobjektif mungkin, avoid judging book by its cover, terus berdo'a sama Allah minta Pak RT yang terbaik untuk RT kita.. Hey, that sounds grrreaattt...

Enough sama Ketua RT. Sekarang mikirin syarat2 Ibu Pembina Karang Taruna ideal. Mmmm...pertama-tama......

PS : To those distracted by my use of non-Politically Correct (PC) terms, I hope that you will accept my sincere apology. It's not that I did those on purpose, but I was just too lazy to look over and correct all the mistakes I committed. I did correct the first sentence, though. Instead of Ketua RT, I wrote Pak RT there initially. Hope it will be adequate to reveal my benevolent intention.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Bram ama Melissa emang nggak ade matinye.... Pertama kali rasanya semangat banget, feel so right for not betraying HRFM after Farhan and Indy`s dismissal. Pokoknya Drive N` Jive itu jiwanya Jakarta banget deh (sape gue? sepa` amat, tong!!!!), just like GMHR long long time ago. BraMelissa are just so MFEO, sangat nyambung. Palagi, Melissa's english! Terribly makes me envious. Gosh... where the hell did she get that impeccable accent, huh? Bram juga lucu. Jadi saya sangat menganjurkan anda2 yang happen to read this blog, to tune in to their show, Drive N` Jive, every Monday to Friday, 4-8 pm WIB, only at 87.6 Hard Rock FM, the best radio station ever (oops, a bit much!).

Tadi siang, I made quite an enormous achievement. I successfully coerced my brain to recall 7 nama artis yang masuk nominasi BINTANG LUX pas jaman gue masih SMA...emangg...gue tau, NGGAK PENTING BANGET! But hey, let me make my excuse. I was born to preoccupy my mind with this kinda stuff, so I just can't help doing this. Anyway, kenapa gue anggep ini sebuah pencapaian yang luar biasa, karena it did take me a loooong time to attain the completion of this noble task. Let me see, kayaknya gue udah berusaha buat nginget2 nama mereka setahunan lebih. Pokoknya nih gue tulis nama2 mereka sebelum gue lupa Wanda Hamidah, Dian Nitami, Cornelia Agatha, Cut Keke, Vonny Cornelia, Febby Febiola, Bella Saphira (obviously not written based on alphabetical order). Wuahh, what a relief. Again, now I remorsed for wasting my time. Instead of working on my poor Physical Chemistry, I deliberately engaged myself to this one. Hikss... People just regret...

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Hey, listen! What a tough week, hasn`t ended yet though. To begin with, insomnia strikes!!! I slept only like an hour two nights ago and the next day was like 4 classes plus DOMINO`s practice. Needless to say that I`m still fasting though... hehehe. Luckily, I got through it... Felt like dying however. Decided not to strive working on 化学工学`s homework (bunches of gratitude to Hady, who went to the trouble for me... exerted his strength "to solve the problems").

Today, cut the first class, for I needed to recharge my energy, went for DOMINO at second period. And out of the blue, came this request from Yasuyuki-san to lavoce`s mailing list. Performing in one of the island of 伊豆諸島 for about an hour for 10万円!!! Transportation and accommodation will also be covered. Friggin` wanna do this!!!! God please, enlighten our paths to the financial felicity!!!

SOULtooSOUL took songs to be submitted for Winter Live`s audition. Eventually, we got the tune in the last minutes. The stairs between 3rd and 4th floor in building 5 was such a perfect spot to sing. Hope we`ll hear some great news, soon.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Huwahhh....long weekend is waning, and in a matter of minutes number in calendar will be black again. And again, there was nothing very special happened recently. I went part-timing two days in a roll, and oddly there were more than just one call! It was the first for me after working there for more than 6 months. Finally reminded that we gotta work to earn some money. Anyway, I think I handled them quite well, though not so satisfied with my English. Work hard, me!!!

Last night, I just couldn't help myself to spend another vigil night. I decided to tinker about with my blog, and here it is.... my blog turned to be worse than before. I`m so blur about computer lahh.....

Today, Tami-san came to Mitaka... it was great to see him after a while and we had some good times. Looking forward to the next meeting, Tami-san!!!